Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This is my first time to write a blog, so please be kind and bear with me.

So first with the introduction. I'm just slacker who usually spends his time playing computer games or by sliding through the frets of his guitar.

Audiophile? Yup, I always listen to music (mostly alternative rock, post hardcore, alternative punk, japanese rock or sometimes just classics) You could always see me with earphones plugged in my ears, delving in the realm of rock.

I'm also an otaku. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga. I also attend conventions and events showcasing Japanese culture.

Oftentimes, I just stay in my room infront of my laptop. And yes, I could survive being alone in my crib for the whole weekend as long as I am infront of my little machine with keys. But don't get me wrong, I also go outside to sweat a bit (jogging or just plain wandering).

So this is me, a simple guy with simple dreams. Welcome to the repository of my pensive thoughts.

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